Dr. Sean and Dr. Shamus, local San Diego Chiropractors, are the Team Doctors for the Paloma Valley High School Football Team. We remind athletes of the importance of “Good Posture.” The human body craves alignment. When we are properly aligned, our bones, not our muscles, support our weight which reduces effort and strain. The big payoff for athletes with proper posture alignment is they feel healthier, have more energy, move more gracefully and suffer less from injury. So while the word “posture” may conjur up images of book-balancing charm school girls, it is not just about standing up straight. It is about being aware of and connected to every part of your body.
Posture ranks right up at the top of the list when you are talking about good health. It is as important as eating right, supplementing with vitamins and minerals, exercising, getting proper rest, and avoiding potentially harmful substances such as alcohol, drugs and tobacco. Good posture is a way of doing this with more energy, less stress and less fatigue. Without good posture, you cannot really be physically fit. Without good posture, you can actually damage your spine every time you exercise, train or compete.
The most immediate problem with poor posture is that it creates a lot of chronic muscle tension as the weight of the head and upper body must be supported by the muscles instead of the bones. This effect becomes more pronounced the further your posture deviates from your body’s center of balance.